Links to check

  • Few original copies of the second Mystery Guests single (one of my favourite records) are still available at their Bandcamp website. Go and grab one while you can!
  • Baby Bloodlust, daughter of a good friend of mine, released a great new song called Formaldehyde.
  • Les Monstres Sacrés blog interviewed me about collecting Bauhaus etc.

2 thoughts on “Links to check

  1. Hey, I just wanted to thank you for putting together such a comprehensive Bauhaus concert guide. I’ve recently become enthralled with the band, and seeing early set photos is honestly the best thing of my entire year. I can tell you put a lot of love and effort into it, and it’s much appreciated. Unfortunately, some of the earlier photos are broken and inaccessible! If you still have access to them, would you be able to reupload them? If not, that’s okay! Cheers 🥂 🙂

    • Thank you very much, I’m glad to hear that you like the website. Unfortunately I don’t really have free time to update it anymore, so it serves as an archive now. I think the broken or inaccessible stuff must have been some linked content from other websites, they probably went down in the meantime. So I fear I can’t do anything with it, sorry.

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